Frodo Baggins
An ordinary hobbit who dwelt in the Shire belonged to a household owned by the legendary Bilbo Baggins.
At a young age, Frodo was orphaned and was taken in by Mr. Bilbo Baggins. He cared for the young hobbit and Frodo learnt many
things as Bilbo told the tales of his adventure by the fireside. It was no surprise then, that Frodo wished to go on such
an adventure himself.
As he grew to come of age, Frodo made many friends, a few of them being Samwise
Gamgee, the gardener, Pippin Took and Merry Brandybuck. He loved the Shire and the life of a peaceful hobbit. It was very
upsetting when his dear Uncle Bilbo left for good and left his most prized posession behind, 'The One Ring'
It was because of this that Frodo found himself on a very large and important quest
to destroy the evil Ring of power. He was entrusted with a task so big for a tiny hobbit that the enemy had no hope for him.
But with great courage and a very good friend Frodo cast the Ring into Mount Doom and saved Middle Earth form a
dreaded evil. He showed that Hobbits weren't just tiny beings, they were an important part of the Middle Earth. | |
Samwise Gamgee
Samwise Gamgee could be described as the 'hero'. After all, he was the one who was with Frodo till
the very end and helped him. Through Sam we see a lovely hobbit who has a servent/master relationship with Frodo. Being the
kind, thoughtful and generous hobbit that he is, we see Frodo and Sam's friendship grow untill the master/servant has totaly
been forgotten.
Sam is also Tolkiens way of bringing real life experiances into the story.
Sam is just an ordinary hobbit and when faced with a task he finds the courage and strength to get on with it. We'd hope that
if we were faced with a big and hard task in our world, we would be like Sam.
Fighting untill the very end, sharing his love and kindness, Sam was a real